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Advent I – APT Presentation – Eileen Campbell-Reed

Emerging Employment Spaces: Alternative Pathways

If you are thinking about a career in theological education, you will beย taking a hard look at the current employment situation. This slide show and voiceover offers my analysis on the present crisis, and offers some insight aboutย “alternative pathways” for theological educators, especially practical theologians. The talk doesn’t take the “try-harder” approach, but invites a rethinking of more basic components of theological education.

I presented this talk first on November 22, 2014 at the Association of Practical Theology meeting held in conjunction with the American Academy of Religion in San Diego, California. This recorded version extends the talk to 20 minutes adding a few other details and proposals.

From the opening:

For new employment spaces to emerge for theological educators, new and alternative pathways are needed to get us there. Today I want to bear witness to the current situation: first, with a case study based on my own story; second, with a brief analysis of the crisis in Higher Ed and theological schools; and finally by making proposals to stir our discussion and conversation together about MDiv education, doctoral education, and collaboration…

2 thoughts on “Advent I – APT Presentation – Eileen Campbell-Reed”

  1. Thanks for this! It was affirming, challenging, and insightful all at the same time. I appreciate you!

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